Introduce Yourself

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by IceFyre13th, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. IceFyre13th

    IceFyre13th Guest

    I will start.....

    I have 30+ years of as a competitor and pleasure R/C hobbyist in most everything that fly's, sails or drives.

    In R/C car racing I have been a local champion winning first place in my division for 3 years in a row running the antiquated Team Associated TC3 in on-road oval (no need to change what still works).
    A third place finish in the 1989 Cactus Classic (Modified 2WD Buggy off-road racing) with a Team Losi JRx-Pro / XX hybrid.

    My first R/C helicopter was the GMP Competitor (1983), and currently I am building a Tri-Copter for semi-autonomous flight. Currently I have a hanger full of 450 to 700 sized electric helicopters and a AR Drone 2.0 (modified quite a bit)

    For Sailing, I have a Kyosho Fairwind III and a scratch built steam powered yacht.

    I am looking forward to helping you all in anyway I can.

    Might want to make this a sticky boss man
    Steph and Jags like this.
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Ah, I like to introduce myself and say my life is an open book...having been on the internet since 1995 and having a name which is unique (but there is one other with the same name!).....

    My Quora intro:

    My main work history at the site I founded and still run:

    And some more work history - although I no longer am looking for work!

    I have very little experience in R/C, however my brother and I always had interests in science and technology. We built our own custom rockets as well as mixed chemicals (our favorites were making chlorine gas and attempting good gunpowder!) since we were pre-teens.
    Well, I certainly don't want to bore anyone! I started this site as a labor of love and to try and address the beginners in the new arena of consumer and prosumer quads and multirotors. I also am blogging on "How to start a successful or failed web site"....(this one!) - so that others with interest in self-publishing can learn from my experience and mistakes.
    Posts #1 to #3 on that are here:
  3. KillerOfDolts

    KillerOfDolts New Member

    I saw your post over at RC groups. I have been into RC for a long, long time. Trucks, Boats, Heli's and now QUADS!! I fell n love with quads and now Im starting my very 1st quad build. Piece by piece, and slowly, so I learn as much as I can before I blow something up or hurt myself......again. :confused: I like to help when I can. I don't get into making stupid post or ranting on about this is better than that. I just like to have fun and learn as much as I can about what ever Im into. I did start out with planes, but I just stunk at it. I could build them well, just couldn't fly. My older brother has benefited from my failed rc plane attempt, but I still enjoyed the build.
  4. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks for stopping in!
    As you probably read, our idea is to provide honest information to beginners and advanced beginners - and those who want to enter the upcoming prosumer and RTF revolution in mutirotors! Of course, we need people with more experience than I (or the new people I hope to attract) to answer those questions!
    The idea, as you mention, is to help people make the proper money, aggravation and have more fun. We'll talk about this stuff more in the thread I made as a continuation of the blog post...but, Welcome!
  5. mikefromgermany

    mikefromgermany New Member

    Hello from Germany!

    My name is Mike, 41 years old, occupation fireman.
    My RC career restarted a year ago after 20 something years.
    Some may know my blog at RC groups, I'm in mainly micro RTF quads and try to help whenever my small knowledge suffices.

    webman likes this.
  6. IceFyre13th

    IceFyre13th Guest

    Welcome Mike, we need more knowledge!!!
  7. Jags

    Jags New Member

    I have virtually no experience with RC of the last 10 years. Used to play with some pretty decent RC cars back in the day, but the advent of the quad copters is starting to bring me back around.
    Thanks to webman - I am starting to fester an itch.;)
  8. PaPaGrizz

    PaPaGrizz New Member

    Found your site though RCgroups forum..Just starting to get back into rc fun after crashing my last Nitro P51 Mustang about 7 years ago. :confused:


    I heard about the new generation of RC toys and started to do a bit of research, that is how I ended up on the RCgroups forums and found the quad threads.

    Long story short, (maybe) my fleet is starting to grow and thanks to folks like you I can fix/repair my toys and get them up in the air after a few "not so gentle landings"..:eek:

    I am now in the proccess of research all the parts and pieces I need to build my own quad, based on the Turnigy H.A.L. frame..

    So get ready for a bunch of "Noobish" questions.

    I may be old but, not too old to learn.

    See ya later,

    Al (PaPaGrizz)

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    webman likes this.
  9. IceFyre13th

    IceFyre13th Guest

    Ask away, and welcome aboard!!!
  10. sadlsor

    sadlsor New Member

    Found this site who-knows-how in my searches for the Syma X1.
    So, I'm like, ...mmm, less than a week old in RC years.
    In chronological years, it's... well, never mind.
    Oddly, I became interested in quads while researching digital video, as I'm beginning a video business. Saw what some fliers are doing with aerial video, and now I'm all in. A little bit more practice with the whole right stick / left stick business, and I'm headed for the DJI Phantom, loaded.
    My first video will be to Pink Floyd's eerie "Learning To Fly"... I'm just an earthbound misfit.
  11. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Well, I'm about 3 months ahead of you.........

    Check out the free ebook if you like.....

    I have either a Phantom or an arducopter in my future. I sorta like the terrain following sonar on the ardu - for video! But we'll see what DJI comes out with. Also, the (amateur) engineer in me really wants to know if there are stats of any sort on how much a hex falls out of the sky compared to a quad. I'm talking theoretical.....which is good enough!
  12. IceFyre13th

    IceFyre13th Guest

    Youngsters, In RC years that is.............
  13. Tbone

    Tbone New Member

    Looks like a great site you have here. I was into rc planes years ago, but just now getting back into it, starting with quads, HM 1SQ. Having a great time trying to figure it out again. Looking forward to getting help and info from this forum. Glad I found you all.
  14. deadbeatvisuals

    deadbeatvisuals New Member

    Hello to everyone here.
    This site is exactly what I was looking for.
    I'm a complete newbie to the world of RC vehicles and drones. I am a cameraman looking to get into arial cinematography. I'm starting out small though. I can't afford to invest in a Phantom or a Steadidrone yet. Let alone a Skyjib. I'll just crash them anyway:). Just getting a Syma x1 to hover in a semi graceful state puts a smile on my face at the moment. I'm also very interested in FPV but again, all in good time.
    dragonphotographic and webman like this.
  15. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    That's the right way to think (and plan) it, IMHO.
    Hopefully you have checked out the little booklet I am working on. I am going to upload a newer draft today -the link in the ebook thread will always link to the latest version.

    I am currently fiddling with a Micro Q-Bot which mikefromgermany (above) helped me get bound to my TX.....and it may be a great one to think about for a 2nd or third quad because it works with the more advanced transmitters instead of it's own. It also flies very similar to larger quads (IMHO).

    I'll post a first look article on it within a week or so after I've put a couple more hours of stick time in...

    Oh, don't discount the new updated v959 (I think it's called v222) or the v959 itself as a started for aerial photography. Sure, it has nothing in common with real pro or even prosumer equipment, but you can at least practice shots and figure out what looks good. You may already know a lot of those tricks already....for instance, I notice that pulling back from an object looks much better than going in (I guess Ken Burns showed us that one!).

    One of the guys with a 959 put this together (yeah, we don't fly over people here - but this is the other side of the world!).
  16. helinor

    helinor New Member

    Hi all.
    New guy from Norway on the forum.
    Came in to this about six months ago, looking for something other than all those "have to do´s" in my life, with family, house, caravan, stationwagon.... You get it;). My start was a micro heli from WLToys named V911. I then got two V929 that i modified a bit. The flyers now are a V929/959 hybrid with shortened landing skids and a V929 canopy, and a V929 with the V959 canopy, frame and lights and the GWS props. I fly both with the Tx for the V959. The V929 is a "killer" on the 80% stick rating :). My plan is to get the new Flysky 6 ch FS-T6 transmitter and try to bind it with the quads as I know the 9x Flysky/Turnigy will but I don´t want that Tx. Future will bring on a F330/450 clone for bigger performance when my skills are up to it:cool:. Take care
    webman likes this.
  17. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Norway! Welcome...
    I sold a LOT of Jotul stoves back in my retail career!
  18. helinor

    helinor New Member

    And they still heat the crowds i guess...;).
    Picture of my flyer with the GWS props on
  19. Dia

    Dia New Member

    Hello everyone,
    I just saw this website at the RCGroups forums and I am very happy to have yet another good source of information about quadcopters.

    Just a bit about myself;
    My first interaction with RC world was about 7 years ago when me and my father tried to fly a medium-sized electric helicopter which ended up crushing the ceiling (we were trying to fly it in the living room!!!). After that experience I really did not have an interest in the hobby. 2 years ago I randomly ended up on aerial videos on Youtube which I really liked. After watching a ton of them and reading the comments on the videos, I saw those weird terms like quadcopters and tricopters :D I did not know nothing about them. Well, I ended up on the RCGroups forum and read all the threads like crazy and became more and more obsessed with these drones. I was learning something new from almost each post. Finally, I decided to have a quadcopter but soon realized that it was a too expensive hobby for me :( At that point, I should have waited patiently for this hobby to become more and more popular then invest in a beginner model. But no, I made my mind to DIY a quadcopter for cheap(!) Of course as you all can guess, it was a failure. I wasted so much time and money on that thing that I was never able to fly, I would have been better off buying a second hand one. I want to briefly list the mistakes I made and the things I learned from them:

    • Learn by reading, watching videos and from other's mistakes. There are so many resources available on the internet! Like here!!!
    • If you are a complete newbie with no flying experience, do yourself a favor and buy a beginner level ready to fly quad.
    • If you do not know how to solder, either do not try to DIY a quad or learn it very well and practice on unused cables/boards before attempting to solder your precious quad equipment.
    • Try to get help from someone who is experienced rather than get frustrated.
    I am embarrassed even to put pictures of my first quad trial online :) I finally sold the pieces of it on eBay. I learned something else after that that I was not able to get away from the hobby :) I searched a bit more and this time bought a beginner foam plane (I was still angry about quads :)) Well, 3 unsuccessful attempts of flight due to me not properly stabilize things, unhooked servo cable, and a car smashed transmitter made me almost gave up on the hobby. Just last week, I came upon the very nice WLToys quads which really reignited my interest for quads. I hope to get into it as soon as I make up my mind and find a good beginner quad for myself. I will gladly accept any quad awards from here :DAnyways, thank you for the new forums and the free ebook!
    Thank you all,
  20. plane_mc

    plane_mc New Member

    Hello, I just found your link on RCGroups and thought I would come here and see what was going on in this forum. I bought my first quad, a QR-1 at Christmas time. I have since picked up a V202 and a mQx. I still consider myself a beginner and am constantly learning new things. I hope I can pick up some more tips here.

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