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Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by IceFyre13th, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Timerider

    Timerider New Member

    Mike from Ohio here. I also found this forum from RCGroups. Currently fly micro helis along with a Heli-Max 1SQ and a Blade MQX. Will be building an Armattan when all ordered parts arrive. I use a DX6i tx.
  2. EArHog

    EArHog New Member

    I was just looking at the DroneFlyers Beginners forum/page/whatever it's called. It made me wonder...

    I got my first heli in January - a 4-channel co-ax (Blade). In Febuary I got a v911 fixed pitch single-rotor heli. Then in mid-April I got a micro-quad. So, all tolled, it's a bit over 4 months since I picked up my first RC transmitter.

    Flying the FP heli is mostly just trying to prevent it from going where it shouldn't go. It is so much easier to make the quad go where I want it to go, so maybe that's what makes me feel less beginner-ish - just better hardware.

    My question is - what constitutes a beginner, what's the definition? I feel like a rank beginner often enough, whenever I do something stupid with the copter. But then sometimes here lately I feel like I'm able to handle it pretty good (short periods, I suppose). How long should I carry the handle "newby" (or worse - "noob")?
  3. bopchoi

    bopchoi New Member

    I have been looking at getting in to rc flying for a year or so now. Not much excited me until I started reading about FPV which I thought was fantastic.
    Never flown an RC anything..ever. So will take the advice I have read and buy a Syma x1 and take it from there.

    My big mission this year is to start building an Aerial Photography business, so any advice on a good entry level multicopter which allows for a GoPro camera and FPV, I would love to hear it.

  4. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

    Hey! Found this through some search for a quad. Anyway I have been flying awhile and have alot of knowledge in multirotors!
    webman likes this.
  5. heat seeker

    heat seeker New Member

    I am interested in getting started, but have much research to do. I live in a hilly and very windy area, so expect flying to be a challenge. On top of that, most of my land is wooded - I can imagine a Charley Brown scenario where my machine is stuck up in a tree...
    Jack Straw likes this.
  6. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I expect to carry it for a couple years myself!
    Now, it might be asked how I get to write a book on the subject if I am a newbie! Well, I am not a newbie in writing manuals and in teaching, so writing such a book does not require an expert - in fact, a newbie may do a better job because he doesn't forget where he came from!

    I don't think I will ever be a good pilot - but that's an entirely different skill set from others parts of the hobby. My speciality is more in terms of an "outside view" of this (or other) subjects!
  7. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    My machines are stuck in trees quite often. The key is keeping them low in the trees so you can retrieve them easier!

    Check out the free ebook - for windy areas I would suggest a micro quad like the v202, etc. - at least to get started. Most minis are not too good in the wind, so you should probably start with micros and then (if and when) you want to graduate to larger stuff, you have to find open fields to fly in.

    Note that we have an article on retrieving from trees on the blog! I have had success up to about 40-50 feet high, but others have reported getting them from 80+ with a slingshot and fishing line!
  8. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Some will disagree with my advice, but if photog is your main goal, the DJI Phantom or an Arducopter may be a good step up. These are not "professional" by any means, but will provide good platforms (stable/GPS, etc.) for seeing what can be done.

    True "prosumer" video and photog probably requires a hexacopter and lifting a NEX camera or equiv with a gimbal.

    I think it is illegal in the USA to actively charge for aerial photog of this type, but there are grey areas..for instance, if you are on private property and/or if you are selling something other than just aerial photog, etc.

    These rules may ease up in the coming years as the FAA and other agencies come up to speed.
  9. Charles Wood

    Charles Wood New Member

    Just found out about this website through RCGroups. I've been flying quads for a year and a half now, I have an FPV quad (FlipFPV), a micro quad (8" BlueSkyRC mini frame), and a hexacopter (DJIF550). I help out at AeroQuad on the software side of things, and have also picked up on OpenLRSng and the Evvaldis STM32F1 brushless gimbal controller. I love open source projects and while I'm not the best programmer in the world, I do what I can to help (usually the remedial stuff so the big brains can have more time to develop real features =P).

    Anyway, just sayin hi! I'm in the Portland, Oregon area, where we have a pretty good UAV scene. Check out, we meet up once a month to fly. Hoping to meet more often now that we have more members (the most recent sunny meeting, we had >20 copters/planes in a pile, and probably about 8-12 pilots. Lots of fun!).
    webman likes this.
  10. onion456

    onion456 New Member

    hey all, my name is Dan and i am a total newb. i had a friend back at an old job that got me interested in RC planes... i eventually got one (forget the model, one of those prop-pusher V-tails from hobbyzone), enjoyed it, my son wrecked it on his first try, i took a break for a year or two and im getting back into it. i got myself a hobbyzone champ... its fun but omg is it light, forget flying in any wind at all. right now i am starting to focus on multicopters and FPV.... =D i've yet to get my first quad, im thinking of either an RC Eye One or a Hubsan Quads X4 or whatever its called lol. i recently discovered Simplecopter's tricopter DIY stuff, and that is what my eventual goal is. im not so into acro, so getting something that has long flight times and decent FPV range is my ultimate goal. im an electronics tech by trade and love building stuff.
  11. moparren

    moparren New Member


    Followed a link from RC groups to get here. I have been flying model aircraft for a long time and basically play with anything that flys. I have a few micro quads and am working on getting a mini trimed out. I also have a few helis. I am also the district 10 rep for the Jet Pilots Organization and play with some big EDF aircraft. I guess you could call me semi-pro RC level as I do work one day a week at the local Hobby Town USA where the running joke is that I can fly an EDF at 130mph but can't keep a buggy going straight at 30mph. When I'm not doing that I teach GED classes and write short stories.

    A word of caution to those of you looking to do pro pictures - if you are charging for the photos or vids, you fall under the jurisdiction of the FAA and will need all sorts of licensure to keep doing it. As long as it is a hobby (you're not making money) you fall under the jurisdiction of the AMA. At least that's how we got around it with turbines.

  12. IceFyre13th

    IceFyre13th Guest

    Electric Ducted Fans are going 130 now!!!! Getting closer to my Kero-Jet speed of just under 180mph, twin AMT Pegasus HP's in a MiboJets A-10 "Warthog".....yes over powered, and no the "pylon gear" (missiles, guns, etc.) has to be off for that speed to reduce drag. And "NO" I do not do fast turns at full speed, I like to keep the wings on......

    Welcome BTW
  13. Bruce Dempsey

    Bruce Dempsey New Member

    Been a cameraman since 1969 which is the year I was hoping to train to fly choppers after having been a passenger in a Bell over the northern woods in Manitoba but couldn't put the $15,000.00 needed for flight school in Abbotsford BC. edit just got email confirmation its been shipped
    Well Now I've bought my own chopper ...well a DJI Phantom which hopefully shipped to day from Calgary.
    I plan to sling a Sony RX100 under the Phantom and expand my video and photo business,
  14. BrotherBart

    BrotherBart New Member

    I work for webman as a moderator over in his forum. I just dropped in to check out the new venture. Never owned an R/C in my life but it looks like time to give a quad a try. All of my airtime was 1054 hours in the back of the little hummer in my avitar. I will have to get used to flying and standing on the ground at the same time.

    Now, about signing up for those drawings... [​IMG]
  15. moparren

    moparren New Member

    At 130 we are on the fast average side. We (my dad built it, I fly it.) got that in a 85% Bruce Tharp Reaction, a rather draggy airframe. Cleaner airframes are hitting 170 - 180 fairly regularly.


    Attached Files:

  16. Jack Straw

    Jack Straw New Member

    I am a member and I want to wish Craig good luck with his new site.

    What are some things someone with zero knowledge or experience do to get started in this hobby?
    Are there IPod compatible cameras?
  17. Tormodnt

    Tormodnt New Member

    Another big hello from Norway.

    I'm 36 years old, and living on the countryside where I have great space flying whatever I would like ;)
    -Have 5 quad/hex, and are now in the process of building the most complex for now, a 1000mm hex with Naza-m and gps.

    I've been flying around with multirotor for about a year, and are defiantly still a newbie, and learning new things every minute in this hobby!
  18. blades

    blades New Member

    Hi, My name is Chris Mid west stateside. Always had a hankering for the RC stuff, never got into it, but spent many years as a competitor in control line ( you know where ya keep spinning in a circle until ya fall down, lol)did ok in the combat and stunt divisions, anyway I find the copters interesting after a couple acquaintances got one a piece and proceeded to make them into smaller pieces.
  19. firefighterjake

    firefighterjake New Member

    Hi folks . . . have known Craig for a bit . . . figured I would check out his latest endeavor.
  20. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Check out this post!

    Main talking point is that in their stock form, you can't fly very far due to the constraints of the standard wireless power and protocol.

    BUT, hackers and others are working hard to make you sure you can. Various schemes for extending the range are already available. Here is an example of one in development which is somewhat plug and play:

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