Warning to phantom buyers

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Cmartin, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. Cmartin

    Cmartin New Member

    This is a warning to people thinking of buying the dji line of products. Dji is forcing their new geo fence onto owners and alot of people are having problems with having no fly zones now right over their house or close to where they want to fly, rendering their phantom useless. They are changing the functionality of their products. Do your research and look up geo fence, as it seems there is no mention of that here and it is being implemented as we speak!!! People have the right to know whats going on before people are forced to do something that changes the functionality of the product!!
  2. john*thomas

    john*thomas New Member

    I was about to order one until I started reading on this today. Mostly a PITA as opposed to useless after one gets it figured out but a PITA I would rather do without. Now I have to start over trying to decide what to get.
  3. SpeedRacerXT

    SpeedRacerXT New Member

    Kind of an inconvenience but it makes sense considering the FAA view on UAVs. NFZs are pretty much around airports and such and there's no good reason to be flying near those. For that matter NOTAM restrictions should also be enforced for security and safety. I've flown small, toy-type MRs and now the P3 and there's a huge difference between the two. The smaller MRs don't have the capability of being controlled beyond LOS plus they are smaller and hard/impossible to see at any real distance. The P3 and other larger and heavier MRs is another matter. With a lot more mass and power these could be very dangerous. I live outside two NFZs and I can also drive a few miles to get outside the city and fly out in the boondocks - I have no issue with geofencing and NFZ enforcement.
  4. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    In the end everyone is going to have to follow geofencing of various types - the FAA and other authorities will simply not allow the idiots who have been flying wherever they like to continue.
    So I'd rather get creative and find safe and open places to fly than worry about it.

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