Greetings, first-time poster.... I am the temporary operator of a cute little Potensic 161. On initial takeoff, the quad translates in a backwards-direction significantly. I've maxed out the forward trim and it's better, but still wants to fly backward more than forward. I've tried the calibration option shown in the manual but it didn't seem to make much of an improvement. It was slightly breezy on the day I went out, but I don't think that explains all of the control issues. Otherwise, it flies nicely and takes decent video. Is there some adjustment on the drone I'm unaware of? My brother is an A&P and he suggests that it's out of balance. Tips and hints appreciated in advance. Thanks. JO
Actually there is and i cannot help you because i am not an expert of Potensic 161, but i will give you an advice Seek for information or ask to those persons that has experience on troubleshooting it and step by step solve the problem.