I am a "sucker" for post thunderstorm photographs. I rarely see one that I do not like. Which camera are you using? Thanks for sharing. JB
I used the Canon S95 written about in the article here. About $150 and the Phantom flies it. These were not taken RAW, and they were downsized for uploading.
Thanks for the information. You might have saved me some money I may skip on the Mobius now and look into the S95 instead. Something else I can try to blame you for with the wife It has not worked yet, but it does give me a milli-second of respite while she processes that feeble excuse (one of the many).
I wouldn't skip the Mobius - it takes better video and weighs in at 1/5th as much, giving you much more flexibility. It is also more shockproof. It's by far the best value going at this point.
You're saving me money and I have not even read your review yet. But the money savings part will add to the "justifications" argument and put less "onus" on you when I ultimately get the Mobius apparently. I can hear it now….. "… And just who is this Webman character "
Hey, she has a point! If it wasn't for the fact that the site now pays for most of my junk, I probably wouldn't buy it! You need to come up with some spare change - when I started with the drones, I sold some old tools and other junk on eBay so I felt better about it. This hobby is worse than boats - at least you usually still have the boat after you take it out!
I have not sold my little sailboat yet. If I sold the sailboat like wifey would like (like for 30 years ); I would definitely have some RC pocket money. I'll have to think about this. If I do put the boat on the market I'll tell wifey that that "Webman guy" suggested it. Wifey would think positively about that "Webman" fellow (see- a promotion in her eyes). And if I sell it , that will definitely get you off the hook when I get the Mobius;, and besides I would be besides myself, grief-stricken, following the boat sale. I would just had to do "something" to address and fulfill that sense of loss. You'll still be in trouble with my next build- memories are "short" around this household. There is at least an excuse for my failing memory- I am old and decrepit. PS: I am still in a little "trouble" for the second Alias purchase. Wifey does not know about the third yet.
I figured out most of the solution - that is/was to tell her that she can buy anything she wants anytime. The "be fair" gene expresses and therefore she can't hassle me as much. I'm not selling the boat - yet. Although I may someday get a tiny one and just haul it instead of moor it...and then just rent any others when I want to sail.
Love the rainbow! You're so lucky to capture a perfect moment It's these kind of moments that takes your breath away. Thanks for sharing, Webman!!